about me

My mission is to help you better connect with God. I believe that in order to live a meaningful life, you must have a relationship with a higher power, however you might define that. So whether God is an old man in the clouds or a spiritual connection you find in community, I’m hear to help you better connect!

By grounding yourself in this relationship and being fully aware of it in your daily life, you will find that a pathway to deeper and more meaningful relationships emerges! But you have to start paying attention.

I’ve worked with dozens of individuals who have never defined this relationship or taken time to understand how God plays a part in their daily life. Let me help!

Your family and your community want you to be active and engaged with them. So what are you waiting for?

My Mission

Counting My Blessings

I am blessed with an amazing wife and two very spirited daughters. They give my life purpose and meaning. But I wouldn’t be who I am today without a firm understanding of my relationship with God and what God is calling me to be for my family and community.

In my life, I’ve been a social worker, community organizer, chaplain, and leadership consultant. Alongside my spiritual direction practice, I serve as the Executive Director for Fathering Together, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering dads to be agents for positive change. Through it all, God has provided me with opportunities to use my skills and strengths at the intersection of the communities to whom I serve.

My Book

This fall, Fathering Together: Living a Connected Dad Life, will hit the shelves. I wrote in based on my experiences launching our Facebook community and the thousands of dads who shared a longing for a new way to be as a dad. Filled with personal narratives and life lessons, each point to servant-leadership as not just a model for businesses but for fathers to be present and connected.

Don’t just take my word for it.

Fathering Together puts us on a new path forward to value care. Anderson masterfully weaves together his own personal journey with data and guidance to make us all better, more connected humans.” - Eve Rodsky ‧ New York Times Bestselling Author of Fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space

“Fathering Together is a brilliant, timely, and much needed book. This is the book I wish I had when I was a new father and a book that all fathers should have available at whatever age and stage of their children. Fathering Together is full of helpful, practical, support from a father who has been there and is there for us all.” - Jed Diamond, PhD ‧ author of The Enlightened MarriageWhy the Best is Still to Come and My Distant Dad